Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hey everyone!

I don't normally post about Salacious absolutely everywhere possible, but before I go off to travel for a week, I wanted to give an update.

Salacious #1 sold out within about 6 weeks of being printed. It was amazing! We did a print run of 550, and it went like hotcakes. It's already become an amazing commodity.

We decided to take a risk, and we doubled the print run of #2. We have a much better printer, and so the cost was basically the same for doubling our print run. We've already sold approximately 500 issues of #2, so we're at the same place we were with #1, which is wonderful!

The unfortunate difference is that, with #1, we had start-up funds, all of which went into printing promotional materials and helping with printer costs. Issue #2 has had nothing but capital from magazines, which, to be transparent, isn't enough. We currently owe our new printer another $2700, and we don't know where that money is going to come from.

For everyone that donates $10.00 in the next week, you will get a COMPLETELY ORIGINAL illustration from me. It'll be a little bit like Illustration Roullette in that you will not know what you'll be getting, but it will be hand-drawn and signed by yours truly.

You can donate here:

Or if you have a PayPal, you can wire money to

I know this is asking a lot. Many of us, myself included, don't have a lot of spare change right now. I'm aware that start-ups are rough for the first 3-5 years, and I'm willing to stare bold-facedly into that roughness and totally rock the hell out of this magazine. We are filling a void and supplying a new voice to the queer sex media, and I feel strongly about continuing this work. But I don't feel right asking my printer to go ahead with printing #3--nor do I think he'd let me!--without finishing our payments for #2.

You are all amazing.

Thank you.

- kd diamond

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Note pad drawings

I've been doing these all week and I figured I'd put them up!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My very first Vlog!

I've been pondering doing it, and so I did. I either now have major street cred, or I'm an even bigger nerd than before.